Do you struggle to find skin products that work with your skin but don’t cost you a fortune?! I do! Some products are just too oily, leaving a residue on your skin, or they are full of chemicals that strip natural oils from your skin!
I’ve been experimenting with plants that I can use on my skin at home. Raw organic honey is one of the foods that really works wonders for my skin. It’s really hydrating, good for sensitive/mature/dry skin, full of enzymes to kill any bacteria and will condition your skin beautifully. I sometimes just use honey as a mask and leave it on for 10 minutes to let it work it’s magic. The recipe i’m sharing with you today is a face scrub using raw organic honey and organic coconut sugar.
Getting rid of dead skin cells is important for healthy skin. I love that feeling after exfoliating my skin when it’s silky smooth. This honey – coconut sugar scrub will remove any congestion or dirt from your pores and leave your skin refreshed and clean. Coconut sugar is actually rich in minerals and it’s not too coarse so won’t be harsh on your skin.
Some other DIY home skin treatments I use are coconut oil, aloe vera, avocado, spirulina, sea salt, lavender and oats. I have an aloe vera plant growing in my back yard and I can’t recommend growing this plant at home more! It grows so easily too. Aloe Vera is great for sensitive skin, sunburns, as a moisturiser (especially for oily skin) or as a toner.
I recommend using organic as much as you can to avoid pesticides as your skin will absorb these chemicals too! A good philosophy to use for any products you use is, “if you can’t eat it, don’t put it on your skin!”.
I love recipes that are easy, the fewer the steps the better! Follow the infographic steps below on how to make and use the scrub.
You can leave the scrub on for 5 minutes if you like for extra conditioning or just give your skin a good scrub in all the nooks and crannies and then wash.
What you need:
- 1 heaped tsp raw organic honey
- 1 heaped tsp organic coconut sugar
How to make:
Mix the honey and coconut sugar together thoroughly until they form a paste.
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