Find your passion and live your dreams
We all want to live the life we choose. And i do believe that finding your passion and living your dreams starts with a choice. Following your passion is a courageous thing to do. Every day we make choices that create our reality. What we eat for breakfast can nourish our bodies or create a burden for it. Our decision to go to work in a job we hate, is a choice, you could just the same, decide to get up and do things that make you happy and inspire you to grow, explore and be creative.
I made the decision a long time ago to follow my passions. I assure you this is not an easy road, otherwise everyone would be doing it! Having the courage to follow your passion, especially when the odds are against you, is a scary thing to do, but the rewards are plentiful!
On my journey, i have encountered self-doubt, fear, anxiety, loneliness and hopelessness. BUT, i have also had to be more creative than i’ve ever had to be, i am also having to build strength and an undeniable belief in myself and what i want to achieve. The hard times and obstacles you will come up against will teach you the skills that you need to succeed. And i am always learning.
I wanted to share this with the Nourish & Inspire Me community to show people that they’re not alone and i wanted to reach out to you because i know i’m not alone. We all have our journey and although we have to make choices ourselves if we want to make change, we can all support each other through our individual journeys.
So i thought i’d share with you some of the things i try to do everyday to live my dreams. I hope they help you, even if only as a reminder.
1. Follow your bliss – what ever makes you feel good. Do that. This comes with a few playbook rules. This feeling good must be sustainable. It can’t be something that makes you feel good and then inevitably bad like, alcohol, drugs or mcdonalds.
2. Become aware of fears that may be stopping you from finding what it is you love. For some reason some of us don’t allow ourselves to be successful, amazing, beautiful, creative, bold and vulnerable. Fear puts limitation around you like an imaginary box. Becoming aware of this fear and when it’s arising is the first step to transcending it. Once you see the fear for what it is, just a thought or a feeling, things will start to change and you will choose not to buy in to it.
3. Try new things, get involved, participate, dip your feet in
4. See and believe in your inner amazingness, no matter how big or small. Once you start recognising the good in you, more good will grow.
5. Intend it so. Live, breathe and eat your passion. Intending something to be requires action. You can’t just think, “yes, i want that” and sit back and wait. You need to be active about it. Start a blog, do a course, practise your trade, do freebies at the start to build a portfolio or client base.
6. When doors of opportunity open, walk through. You will start attracting people into your life to help you on your way to living your dreams. Notice when these people present themselves to you and follow through, even if you are afraid.
Please comment below and tell me how you have found your passion and how you are living your dreams, i’d love to hear from you!